Dans de nombreux pays, il existe des réseaux de fondations qui peuvent être une source d’information sur la philanthropie et qui peut, le cas échéant, contribuer à identifier les interlocuteurs principaux, ainsi que le dispositif juridique et fiscal en vigueur pour la conduite de la philanthropie et des fondations. Le terme « fondation » décrit des réalités différentes dans chaque pays. Le terme « donors foundation » désigne principalement les fondations distributives, alors que les autres fondations sont souvent appelées « operating foundations« .


Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen

The Association of German Foundations represents the foundation community in Germany. It raises awareness of the diversity of German and international foundation world among its members as well as with politicians, the media and the public.

Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen
Haus Deutscher Stiftungen
Mauerstraße 93
10117 Berlin
Phone: +
Fax: +
E-mail: post@stiftungen.org

Website: www.stiftungen.org


Grupo de Fundaciones

To promote a culture of philanthropy and social responsibility in Argentine society

Maipú 696, 1°B
1049 Buenos Aires CABA
Tel: + 54 (11) 5272 0513

Website: www.gdfe.org.ar


Philanthropy Australia

Philanthropy Australia is the national membership body for the philanthropic sector. It promotes and protects the interests of family, private, corporate and community giving within Australia. Membership is open to family, private, corporate and community trusts and foundations. Philanthropy Australia has more than 220 members, with estimated total assets of more than $10 billion, who annually distribute tens of millions of dollars to the community.

Philanthropy Australia, Level 2,
55 Collins Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000 Australia.
Tel.: + 61 3 9662 9299
E-mail: info@philanthropy.org.au

Website: www.philanthropy.org.au


Verband Österreichische Privatstiftungen (VOP)

Pas de version anglaise du site.

Wipplingerstrasse 25
A-1010 Vienna
Tel.: +43.1.532.83.83
Fax: +43.1.534.51.233
E-mail: office@stiftungsverband.at

Website: www.stiftungsverband.at


La Fédération Belge des Fondations Philanthropiques ASBL

Le Réseau Belge de Fondations ASBL rassemble des fondations actives en Belgique et vise à rendre plus transparent le secteur des fondations. Le Réseau veut avant tout créer dans la société les conditions et l’environnement propices au développement de la philanthropie.
Le Réseau Belge de Fondations ASBL a créé un forum de « rencontre » où les fondations peuvent échanger des idées et des bonnes pratiques. Il défend les intérêts communs de ses membres et informe le grand public sur le rôle des fondations dans la société.

rue Brederode 21
1000 Bruxelles
Tel: +32 2 549 02 33
E-mail: info@reseaufondations.be

Website: https://www.lesfondations.be/fr/


Grupo de Institutos, Fundações e Empresas (GIFE)

GIFE, Group of Institutes, Foundations and Enterprises, is composed by institutes, foundations and corporations which are active within the Third Sector in Brazil, making private resources available for public purposes. Its mission is to improve and disseminate the concepts and practices of using private resources to develop the common welfare.

Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 2413
1º Andar – Conjunto 11
Jardim Paulistano
São Paulo/SP – CEP: 01452-000
Tel: + 55 (11) 3816-1209
E-mail: gife@gife.org.br

Website: www.gife.org.br


Bulgarian Donors’ Forum

The Bulgarian Donors’ Forum is a membership organization that brings together 20 Bulgarian and international foundations providing financial and technical assistance for the development of civil society in Bulgaria.
The organisation’s internet site is entierly on bulgarian.

1000 Sofia
56, Solunska St.
Bulgarian Donors’ Forum
Tel: + 359 2 930 66 55
Fax: +359 2 951 65 18
E-mail: donorsforum@osf.bg

Website: http://www.dfbulgaria.org


Imagine Canada

Imagine Canada intervient dans trois domaines principaux : aider les organismes de bienfaisance et les organismes sans but lucratif à accomplir leur mission ; assurer la promotion de l’engagement social des entreprises ; permettre aux Canadiens et à leurs gouvernements de comprendre l’importance de l’œuvre des organismes de bienfaisance, des organismes sans but lucratif et des entreprises ayant le sens de la collectivité pour le Canada et son avenir.

Imagine Canada
65 St Clair Avenue East, Suite 700
Toronto, Ontario M4T 2Y3
Tél.: (416) 597-2293
Numéro gratuit: 1 800 263-1178
E-mail: info@imaginecanada.ca

Website: www.imaginecanada.ca

Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) / Fondations Communautaires du Canada (FCC)

Le Community Foundations of Canada a pour mission d’améliorer la qualité de vie et la dynamisme des communautés canadiennes en faisant connaître les activités des établissements de fonds, de subventions et de leadership des fondations communautaires. / CFC’s mission is to enhance the quality of life and vitality in Canadian communities by supporting and promoting the fund development, grantmaking and leadership of community foundations.

123 rue Slater, bureau 600
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5H2
Phone: +1 613 236 2664
E-mail: cleslie@communityfoundations.ca

Website: www.communityfoundations.ca


Academy for Educational Development (AED)

The Academy for Educational Development (AED) implements an NGO development program – Support for Croatia’s Non-Governmental Organizations (CroNGO). Its mission is to strengthen the NGO sector and to encrease the ability of Croatia’s civil society to contribute to democratic, economic, and community development

Ulica Kralja Držislava 3
10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 1 4500-300
Fax: +385 1 4500-301
E-mail: crongo@aed.hr

Website: www.aed.hr


Consorcio Ecuatoriano para la Responsabilidad Social (CERES) – Ecuadorian Consortium for Social Responsibility

CERES’ vision is to become Ecuador’s leading voice on social responsibility. Social responsibility is understood as the adoption of an ethical position by one or few social actors, based on the free and active commitment of bettering the problems of society, and making it a democratic, sustainable, and solidary community.

Edificio Metropolitan
Oficina 1208
Av. Naciones Unidas y Nuñez de Vela
Quito, Ecuador
Tel: + 593 (2) 450 33 66

Website: www.redceres.org


Asociación Española de Fundaciones / Spanish Association of Foundations

The Spanish Association of Foundations is dedicated to the promotion of the communication among spanish non lucrative entities, representing a permanent channel of negotiation with the Government for the solving of any matter which may be raised regarding the foundational world. Acting as a spokesman and a representative of the sector, it defends its interests at every moment, but especially at the moment when the legal and fiscal provisions related to it are being drafted.

C/ Rafael Calvo, 18 – 4º B
28010 Madrid 
Tel. 91 310 63 09 
E-mail: info@fundaciones.org

Website: www.fundaciones.org

Coordinadora Catalana de Fundacions/The Catalan Coordinator of Foundations

The Catalan Coordinator of Foundations is an association of foundations which now has a network of over 500 Catalan foundations from all fields: health care, hospitals, culture, teaching and research. Its mission is to offer its associates tools to help them work and give them food for thought; to facilitate collaboration between foundations; to be the voice that represents and defends the world of Catalan foundations; to strengthen the network of Catalan foundations

Pau Claris, 167 pral. 2a. B
08037 Barcelona
Tel: 93 488 14 80
E-mail: info@ccfundacions.org

Website: www.ccfundacions.cat


The Foundation Center

The Foundation Center’s mission is to strengthen the nonprofit sector by advancing knowledge about U.S. philanthropy. Founded in 1956, the Center is the nation’s leading authority on philanthropy and is dedicated to serving grantseekers, grantmakers, researchers, policymakers, the media, and the general public.

The Foundation Center
32 Old Slip, 24th Floor
New York, NY 10005-3500 
Tel: (212) 620-4230 

Website: www.foundationcenter.org

RAG (Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers)

The Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers is a national network of local leaders and organizations across the United States that support effective charitable giving. The Forum’s network focuses on the philanthropy of the city, state, and multi-state areas of the U.S. and encompasses 30 regional associations of grantmakers. These regional associations collectively represent more than 4,000 grantmakers and others interested in philanthropy.

Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers
1020 19th Street NW, Suite 360
Washington DC 20036 USA
Tel: (888)-391-3235
E-mail: info@givingforum.org

Website: www.givingforum.org

Etats des Caraïbes

Caribbean Philanthropy Network

Created in May 2008, the Caribbean Philanthropy Network (CPN) is a project of the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands (CFVI). CPN works to link groups and individuals that make grants and provide other resources — community, corporate, private, and family foundations, as well as individual donors — to charitable nonprofit organizations that are working to improve the quality of life for residents of the Caribbean region.

The CPN is a successor organization to the Association of Caribbean Community Foundations (ACCF), which operated from 2003-2007 and was comprised of community foundations and other grant-making entities in Anguilla, St. Lucia, St. Croix, St. Thomas, Tortola (British Virgin Islands) and Antigua. Subsequently, the group expanded to include the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

Caribbean Philanthropy Network
c/o Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands
P.O. Box 11790
St. Thomas, VI 00801
Tel: + 1 (340) 774-6031
E-mail: cperry@anguillanet.com

Website: www.caribbeanphilanthropy.org


The Russia Donors Forum (RDF)

Russian Donors Forum is a coalition of private and non-governmental organizations working in the sphere of philantropy in Russia. Its goal is to promote charitable activity, to make it more effective both for grantees and for society. Forum organizes informational exchange between donors as well as other concerned persons; works out and promote standards and ethics in the field of philantropy.

9 Sushchevskaya Street, 9/4, office 311
127055 Moscow
Tel: +7.095.978.5993
E-mail: dfinfo@donorsforum.ru

Website: www.donorsforum.ru

The Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia (UCOR)

The Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia (UCOR) is created to straighten and to develop the philanthropy in the Russian Federation by establishing the efficient general system of charitable activity in Russia.
UCOR creates the information database of the Russian charitable activity: the Internet site of UCOR (www.sbornet.ru) contains the largest volume of the constantly updated information on the Russian charity and the whole Register of the Russian Federation Charitable Organizations.

10, Kosmonavta Volkova st.
127299 Moscow
Tel/Fax: +7 495 225 13 16
E-mail: sbor@sbornet.ru

Website: www.sbornet.ru


Council of Finnish Foundations

Thirty Finnish grant-giving foundations and associations began co-operation in 1970 and adopted the name The Council of Finnish Foundations. The most important task of the council is to provide its members a channel for exchanging information and ideas. The council also represents its members to the officials and looks after their interest by, for example, issuing statements about legal changes affecting foundations.

Council of Finnish Foundations
c/o Suomen Kulttuurirahasto,
P.O. Box 203 (Bulvardi 5 A)
00121 Helsinki, Finland
Tel: +358 9 612 810
E-mail: yleisinfo@skr.fi

Website: skr.fi/en


Hungarian Donors Forum

Hungarian Donors Forum’s (Magyar Adományozói Fórum) main aim is to strengthen civil society in Hungary by developing a « philantropic culture » and by promoting social responsibility.

Szerb u. 17-19.
1056 Budapest
Tel: +36 (1)700-00-20
Fax: + 36 (1) 411-35-15
E-mail: info@donorsforum.hu

Website: www.donorsforum.hu


Charities Aid Foundation India

To increase the flow of resources to the non-profit sector in India
CAF’s business model is based on receiving funds and then making grants on behalf of donors. Donors have the choice how to give, whom to give to and when to give. Donor services are based on local needs.

Plot / Site No.2, First Floor,
Sector C (OFC Pocket),
Nelson Mandela Marg,
Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi – 110070 
Tel: + 91 (11) 26134192/93/94
E-mail: contact@cafindia.org

Website: www.cafindia.org

Sampradaan – Indian Centre for Philanthropy

Objectives of Sampradaan:
To help strengthen civil society by enhancing the effectiveness of philanthropy.
To promote a culture of giving.
To ensure more effective philanthropy by acting as a resource for civil society in India.
To influence public policy for support of philanthropy and to advocate for it.

Sector C, Pocket 8/8704
Vasant Kunj
110 070 New Dehli
Tel: + 91 (11) 2689 9368
Fax: + 91 (11) 2612 1917
E-mail: icp@ndb.vsnl.net.in

Website: www.sampradaan.org


Philanthropy Ireland

The association of grant-making trusts, foundations and corporations in Ireland. Philanthropy Ireland’s main aims are twofold: to foster the development of philanthropy in Ireland and to support the role and practice of charitable trusts and foundations

Philanthropy Ireland

56 Fitzwilliam Square,
Dublin 2
Tel/Fax: +353 (0)1 676 8751
E-mail: info@philanthropyireland.ie

Website: www.philanthropyireland.ie


Associazione fra le Casse di Risparmio Italiane (ACRI)

Established in 1912, Acri, voluntary, non-profit, apolitical Association, represents the joint-stock Savings Banks and the Banking Foundations . ACRI performs its activities solely in the interest of its Members, both Banks and Foundations, and develops cooperation opportunities between Members and foreign entities.

Via del Corso, n° 267 
00186 Roma
Tel: +39 06 68184 1
E-mail: info@acri.it

Website: www.acri.it

Associazione Italiana Fondazioni e Enti di Erogazione (Assifero)

To promote organized philanthropy in Italy

Via Bernardino Zenale 8,
20123 – Milano
Tel: +39 02 366 83 041
E-mail: c.carazzone@assifero.org

Website: assifero.org


JFC (Japanese Foundation Center)

The Japan Foundation Center is a private foundation established by executives of private grant-making foundations in Japan to provide authoritative information on foundations in Japan that award grants,prizes,or scholarships and to publicize the social role and significance of the activities of private grant-making foundations to encourage the practice of philanthropy in Japan’s private sector.

Believe Shinjuku-bldg, 4F, 1-26-8
Shinjuku, 160-0022 Tokyo
Tél.: + 81 3 33 50 1857
Fax :+ 81 3 33 50 1858

Website: www.jfc.or.jp


Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía/The Mexican Center for Philanthropy

The Mexican Center for Philanthropy (Centro Mexicano para la Filantropía – CEMEFI) is a member, non-profit association, unaffiliated with any political party, race or religion, founded in December 1988.
Its mission is to promote philanthropic culture and social responsability in Mexico and strengthen the organized participation of society

Tulipan # 108 Colonia Santa Maria la Rivera
Delegación Cuauhtemoc
Distrito Federal
C.P. 06400
Tel: 5255 5276-8530

Website: www.cemefi.org


East Africa Association of Grantmakers

To nurture and enhance a culture of local philanthropy through the growth of vibrant membership to improve the lives of the people of East Africa

Rattansi Educational Trust Building, 4th floor 
Koinange Street
P.O.Box 49626 -00100
Nairobi, Kenya 
Tel: +254 020 2244470 
E-mail: eaag@wananchi.com

Website: www.eaag.org

Moyen Orient

Arab Foundations Forum (AFF)

The Arab Foundations Forum (AFF) was formed in order to create an active learning community in the field of social justice philanthropy. Members of AFF are independent foundations from the Arab Region. To be a forum of dialogue and an exchange of experience and networking, as well as to increase awareness of social responsibility and the importance of capitalizing on private funding for the benefit of the public. The forum will also work on enhancing social development justice by providing a climate suitable for a healthy institutional work based on the principals of transparency and accountability.

P. O. Box 840888
Amman 11184
Tel: + 962-6 593 8018 
E-mail: info@arabfoundationsforum.org

Website: arabfoundationsforum.org

Nouvelle Zélande

Philanthropy New Zealand

Philanthropy New Zealand bring together New Zealand’s leading private philanthropists, trusts, foundations, businesses, and the community trusts created when community banks and energy utilities were sold. The way in which the philanthropy is currying out can build social capital and enrichin communities of Aotearoa New Zealand

Level 2, 50 The Terrace
PO Box 1521,
Wellington, New Zealand

Phone: +64 4 499 4090
E-mail: info@philanthropy.org.nz

Website: www.philanthropy.org.nz


FIN (Association of Foundations in the Netherlands)

The Netherlands have known an old tradition of supporting charity in the private sector. Even nowadays many private, nonprofit organizations are active in this wide-ranging field including social welfare, education, youth, arts and humanities, public health, science, and charity in common. Along with this tradition belongs a strong feeling of personal responsibility. In order to give this responsibility substance and to inform outside persons/organizations, the Association of Foundations in the Netherlands – FIN – has been founded.

Jan van Nassaustraat 102
2596 BW Den Haag
The Hague The Nederlands
Tel.: +31.70.3262753 (10 am – 1 pm)
E-mail: info@verenigingvanfondsen.nl

Website: www.verenigingvanfondsen.nl


Association of Foundations

The Association of Foundations improves the capacities of its members to deliver innovative, quality programs for Philippine development consistent with the highest professional and ethical standards. AF, along with other sectors and networks, promotes change by articulating its position and taking action on issues that will lead to equity and social justice. AF provides relevant information, training, consultancy and technical services based on foundation practices and emerging technologies.

Room 1102, 11/f Aurora Tower
Aurora Boulevard, Cubao
1109 Quezon City
Tel: + 63 (2) 913 7231
E-mail: af@afonline.org

Website: www.afonline.org


Polish Donors Forum

The Polish Donors Forum, registered in 2004 as the country-wide membership association, has the mission to support philanthropy, public benefit activities and create friendly environment for grantmaking and donor activities in the country. It provides specific services to its members to support them in day-to day activities in the field of giving. It also takes part in the monitoring process of Polish law regulations toward non-profit activities.

62/6 Marszalkowska Str.
Warsaw, 00-545
Tel: +48 535 990 910
E-mail: poczta@forumdarczyncow.pl

Website: www.forumdarczyncow.pl


Portuguese Foundation Centre

The Centre’s statutory objectives are to stablish cooperation and solidarity among its members, to promote their interests, to promote seminars and conferences, to defend the foundations interests within the Government, to spread relevant information among the associate members and to maintain contacts with associations and federations of European and other international foundations.

Rua Rodrigo da Fonseca, n.° 178 – 7° Esq.
1070-239 Lisboa
Tel: +351 213 538 280
E-mail: cpf@cpf.org.pt

Website: https://cpf.org.pt/


Forum Darcu / Czech Donors Forum (CDF)

The Czech Donors Forum (CDF) is a non-profit initiative, which provides support and leadership to the donor community in the Czech Republic. Its mission is to support the development of organized philanthropy and to serve the Czech donor community (360 foundations, 900 foundations without endowment, corporate and community donors).

V tůních 11
12000 Praha 2
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 224 216 544
E-mail: donorsforum@donorsforum.cz

Website: www.donorsforum.cz

Royaume Uni

UK Community Foundations

Established in 1991, Community Foundation Network (CFN) is the national network linking, promoting and supporting over 60 community foundations throughout England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. It aims to promote the concept of community foundations in the UK, stimulate and support their growth and best practice, and give support to individual community foundations and their networking with others.

Unit 7 Piano House,
9 Brighton Terrace,
United Kingdom
Tel: + 44 20 7713 9326
Fax: + 44 20 7713 9327
E-mail: network@communityfoundations.org.uk

Website: www.ukcommunityfoundations.org

ACF (Association of Charitable Foundations)

The Association of Charitable Foundations (ACF) is the UK wide support organisation for grant-making trusts and foundations of all types. Over 300 independent trusts and foundations, large and small, have joined – with total grant-giving of more than £1 billion per year.

Acorn House, 314-320 Gray’s Inn Road,
London WC1X 8DP
Tel: 020 7255 4499
E-mail: acf@acf.org.uk

Website: www.acf.org.uk

Ariadne – European Social Change and Human Rights Funders 

Ariadne is a European peer-to-peer network of more than 600 funders and philanthropists who support social change and human rights. Ariadne is a network of European funders who work together to strengthen philanthropy, help funders act strategically, and encourage new donors to enter the field with maximum impact. 

The Foundry 
17 Oval Way 
SE11 5RR 
United Kingdom 
Tel: + 44 (0) 203 752 5557
E-mail: info@ariadne-network.org

Website: www.ariadne-network.eu


The Romanian Donor’s Forum

The Romanian Donor’s Forum is a network of grant-making organizations actively supporting the development of civil society in Romania. Its principle mission is to support the sharing of information between grant-makers and to encourage philanthropic practices in Romania.

Str. Stirbei Voda nr 29, Et. 3, Ap 5, Sector 1, Bucuresti
Tel: +40 21 311 88 11
E-mail: contact@donorsforum.ro

Website: http://fondong.fdsc.ro/home


AKNS (Asociácia komunitných nadácií Slovenska / Association of Slovak Community Foundations)

The purpose of the Association is to represent and advocate for community foundations working in Slovakia, as well as to function as a partner in communication with national funds, corporate donors, the media, the Slovak government and other nonprofits and their umbrella organizations.

Partizánska 2
Bratislava 81103
Slovak Republic
Tel.: + 421 (51) 7721 857
E-mail: minarova@knpresov.sk

Website: www.asociaciakns.sk

Donors Forum Slovakia

The Donors’ Forum is an association of grant-makers which award grants and give financial support to non-gouvernmental, non-profit-makting organizations; it strives to improve the efficiency of grant-making proces of financial support for non-gouvernmental, non-profit-making organizations and improve philanthropy and the culture of giving in Slovakia.

Bastova 5
811 03 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Tel.: + 421.2.5441.7917
E-mail: donorsforum@donorsforum.sk

Website: www.donorsforum.sk



proFonds, Association faîtière des fondations d’utilité publique de Suisse, défend les intérêts des fondations, associations et autres organisations d’utilité publique, notamment en matière de droit civil, de surveillance et de droit fiscal. Elle favorise également l’échange de connaissances et d’expériences entre les organisations d’utilité publique.

Dufourstrasse 49
CH-4052 Basel
Tel: + 41 61 272 10 80
E-mail: info@profonds.org

Website: www.profonds.org

Swiss Foundations

L’objectif de SwissFoundations, dont le siège est à Zurich, est de mettre à profit les conditions-cadres libérales pour les fondations en Suisse, de transmettre le know how en matière de gestion moderne des fondations donatrices, d’encourager avec transparence et professionnalisme la mise en oeuvre efficace de fonds privés à des buts d’utilité publique.

Swiss Foundations
Heinrichstrasse 267e
8005 Zürich
Tel.: +41 (0)41 44 440 00 10
Fax :+41 (0)44 440 00 11
E-mail: info@swissfoundations.ch

Website: www.swissfoundations.ch